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Bell MTS

Set or reset Call Answer password

Choose a password that you can remember easily but would be hard for others to guess. Passwords must:

  • Be between 6 and 15 digits
  • Be different from the previous password
  • Not include any portion of the mailbox number
  • Not be a series of repeating digits (e.g., 111111)
  • Not be a series of ascending or descending digits (e.g., 123456 or 987654)
  • Not be a series of alternating ascending or descending digits (e.g., 135791 or 864208)

You can update your voicemail password via the Voicemail manager portal Use your voicemail password for the first time you log in. Then you will be prompted to set your Voicemail manager password.

If you have lost your Call Answer password, Contact Us.