Access Voicemail Manager
To access the Voicemail manager, you must set up your voicemail via your phone first using the temporary password. Once you’ve set up your voicemail permanent password, you can access Voicemail manager.
- Launch your browser and go to
- Enter your ten-digit telephone number (e.g., 2041235555)
- Enter the same password you use for your telephone voicemail.
You must enter your telephone voicemail password in numeric format.
- Click Log In to access your Voicemail manager account.
You will be prompted to set up your Voicemail manager password.
- Enter your email address in the Email address field (If you forget your Voicemail manager password and request a password reset link, we’ll send it to this email address).
- Re-enter your email address in the Confirm email address field.
- Choose a password and enter it in the New Voicemail manager password field.
Must be at least 10 characters long. You should use three or more of the following: at least one uppercase letter (A-Z), one lower case letter (a-z), one number (0-9) and one special character (!@#$...).
- Re-enter your password in the Confirm Voicemail manager password field.
- Click on Set password.
- Set up Voicemail to email
- Click on Edit in the Voicemail to email section.
- Turn this feature to ON.
- Click Yes if you want to receive your voicemail as an attached audio file.
- Choose one the three options: Descriptions of each are provided onscreen.
- Voicemail is retained as a new message with silent deletion after a specific number of days.
- Voicemail is retained as saved message with silent deletion after a specific number of days.
- Voicemail is immediately deleted from the mailbox.
- Enter the email address where you want to receive your messages. Once complete click on Save changes.
- You can have up to 6 recipients of voicemail to email notifications.
- Please ensure you have the permission of the email account holder before providing their email address.
- Your voicemail messages will be sent to all email addresses set up in your Voicemail manager account if you choose voicemail to email with audio attachment.
- Click on +Add another email and enter the email address where you want to receive your message in the Email address field.
- Delete an email address
- Click on Edit in the Voicemail to email section.
- Click the Delete button which corresponds to the email address you want to delete.
- You will see a confirmation of the change.
- Turn Voicemail to email on or off
- Click on Edit in the Voicemail to email section.
- Click the On or Off button to enable or disable Voicemail to email.
- You will see a confirmation of the change.
If Voicemail to Email is set to off, voicemails will not be delivered to any of your email addresses.
- Listen to voicemail messages from your email account
If you choose to receive voicemail to email with audio attachment, double-click the attachment to open.
If you chose voicemail to email with notification only ; login to Voicemail manager or access your voicemail to listen to your message.
Emails include the following message details:
- Date/time of call
- Caller's phone number
- Duration of message
- Message priority status
Listen to voicemail messages from Voicemail manager
- Click on Go to messages.
- The My message screen shows your voicemail messages and displays
- Priority (Urgent, Private, Normal)
- The sender of the message (From)
- The Date and Time that the message was left
- Length of the messages
- From the My message screen, click on the play button beside the voicemail message you wish to listen to. You can restart the message by selecting the restart button.
- To save your message, select the download button beside the voicemail message you wish to download.
- You can also delete message by selecting the message you wish to delete and click Delete selected.
- Set up text message notification
- Click on Edit in the Text message notification section.
- Click the On button to be notified by text message when you receive a new voicemail.
- Enter your Bell Mobility number in the Mobile number field.
- Text message notification is only available to Bell Mobility, Lucky Mobile, PC Mobile or Virgin Plus mobile number.
- Standard usage charges may apply.
- Click Save changes.
- You will see a confirmation of the change.
- Turn text message notification on or off
- Click on Edit in the Text message notification section.
- Click the On or Off button to enable or disable Text message notification.
- You will see a confirmation of the change.
- Change your Voicemail manager password
- Click on Edit in the Voicemail manager password section.
- Enter your current password.
- Choose a new password and enter it in the New Voicemail manager password field.
Must be at least 10 characters long. You should use three or more of the following: at least one uppercase letter (A-Z), one lower case letter (a-z), one number (0-9) and one special character (!@#$...).
- Re-enter your password in the Confirm Voicemail manager password field.
- Click Change password
- You will see a confirmation of the change.
- Update your recovery email address
If you forget your Voicemail manager password and request a password reset link, we’ll send it to this email address.
- Click on Edit in the Email Address section.
- Enter your email address in the Email address field.
- Re-enter your email address in the Confirm email address field.
- Click Change email address.
- You will see a confirmation of the change.
- Change your voicemail password
- Click on Edit in the Mailbox password section.
- Choose a new password and enter it in the Voicemail password field.
Your password must be between 6 and 15 digits long. Do not use your phone number, repeated digits or digits in numerical order (e.g. 123456, 111111).
- Re-enter your password in the Confirm voicemail password field.
- Click Confirm.
- You will see a confirmation of the change.
- Change your language settings
- Click on Edit in the Language settings section.
- Click on English or French for your Mailbox prompts language.
- Click on English, French, Bilingual English first or Bilingual French first for your guest language (language callers hear when they reach your voicemail).
- Click Save changes and you will see a confirmation of the change.
- Manage group distribution list
Use group distribution list to send the same message to a group of Bell voicemail users.
How to edit an existing distribution list
- Click on Edit in the Group distribution lists section.
- Choose a distribution list to view or edit.
- Click on +Add a mailbox number you want to add and follow instructions.
- Click the Delete button which corresponds to the member in the list you want to delete.
- Click Save.
How to set up a new distribution list
To send a message, access your voicemail and follow the instructions below:
If you need further support Contact Us.
- Click on Edit in the Group distribution lists section.
- Click on Create a new distribution list.
- Enter a list name to identify your distribution list.
- Click Create list.
- Enter the Bell mailbox number in the New mailbox number field.
- Click Add.
- Repeat if adding more mailboxes.
- Once complete click Save.
- At the Main menu, press 2 to send a message.
- At the prompt:
- Enter the 10-digit number of the destination mailbox and press #, or
- Enter the Group List number and press #.
- At the tone, record your message and press #.
- To send your message, press #, or
- To access Delivery Options, press 0, select your delivery option, and then press # to send the message.