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Bell MTS

Windows 8 Mail

In order to use the Windows 8 Mail App with Bell MTS Mail, you must first set up a Microsoft Account. For information on Microsoft Accounts, please visit or

  1. Open Mail from the Start Screen.

  2. Bring up the Charm Bar by moving the mouse pointer to the bottom right corner of your screen and then dragging the pointer up to click Settings to access the Mail app settings.

  3. Click Accounts to access the Accounts screen.

  4. Click Add an account to start the setup wizard.

  5. Click Other account.

  6. Select IMAP and click Connect.

  7. Click Show more details to display all relevant fields.

  8. Enter:

    • Email address: Your Bell MTS email address or alias (e.g.,, to be displayed on your outgoing emails.
    • Username: Your email address (e.g.
    • Password: Your email password.
    • Incoming (IMAP) email server:
    • Port: 993
    • Outgoing (SMTP) email server:
    • Port: 587
    • Make sure all checkboxes are checked.

  9. Click Connect to complete and exit setup.

The Mail App will now download your email. To switch between your Microsoft Account and your Bell MTS Mail account, select the desired account from the bottom left corner of the screen.