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Bell MTS

Bell Pure Fibre Network Installation - Temporary and Buried Drops

Which type of service drop do I have?

What is the difference between aerial drop, temporary drop and buried drop?
  • Aerial drop - is a fibre optic cable that runs overhead from the pole to the house. If you have an aerial drop, the temporary and buried drop procedures do not apply to you.
  • Temporary drop - is a fibre optic cable placed on your property above ground until we are able to bury the cable permanently. We will make every attempt to ensure that the temporary line lies in the safest manner possible and creates the least amount of disruption to your property.
  • Buried drop - is a fibre optic cable buried underground from your property line to the cable's entry point into the home. This same cable previously laid above ground on your property (temporary drop). The buried drop is the last step in the temporary drop process.

Temporary drop information

Why is a temporary drop required (why not just bury it right away)?

In order to install your Bell MTS service(s) as soon as possible we may require a temporary drop. Due to the availability of burial crews, or adverse weather and/or ground conditions, we may not be able to bury the drop at the time of your service installation.

How long will I have to wait to have it buried?

Once your Pure Fibre service is installed you will be contacted to schedule a date to have the cable buried. Every effort is made to bury the cable within a reasonable amount of time however it can vary as it is dependent on weather conditions, time of year and workload. If your temporary drop was placed in winter months, your cable cannot be buried until the spring (after the ground thaws). If we receive a lot of rain, your cable cannot be buried until your property is dry because the equipment we use is heavy and we want to ensure no damage is done to your property. If you have a temporary drop on your property and have a question about the buried drop schedule, you can call 204 225-5687.

Is it safe for my dog to be in my backyard?

Your dog's safety is not at risk. However, the above ground fibre optic cable may be susceptible to damage by chewing pets. Please ensure that the cable is protected at all times, as any damage could disrupt your Bell MTS services. If the cable is damaged, please Contact Us to have the cable repaired.

Buried Drop Information

Where does the buried drop connect to?

The buried cable will run from a Ground Level Box, or GLB (10"x10" green lid), at the property line to the entrance point where the cable enters the home.

Where are the cables buried in my yard?

The installation technician will discuss the best way to route the buried drop with you and, will prepare a diagram outlining this route. If you have anything buried in your yard (sprinkler system, lighting, water line, septic field, etc.), please inform the technician during this discussion.

How deep are the cables buried in my yard?

Ten inches is typically the minimum depth. There may be instances when it cannot be buried that deep such as where there are roots, rocks or other underground obstacles.

Can I wait until the drop is buried before I order Bell MTS service(s)?

Yes. These orders require a summer installation. Please advise us at time of order so that we may accommodate your request.

Can I bury the drop myself?


How big is the trench dug for the buried drop?

We make every attempt to minimize any disruption to the ground. A machine will slice the ground and lay the fibre cable underground.

General Installation Information

What if I have a fence?

Bell MTS is experienced with various yard configurations (including fences), and your fence will not be affected by our activities.

Do you need access to my house?

Once service(s) is installed during your initial appointment, we no longer need access to your home. The burial of the cable can be completed from outside the house.

Will there be a box placed on my home?

Bell MTS will place a Fibre Network Interface Device (NID) on the outside of the house at the point where the drop enters the home.

Can I drive over or plant trees/shrubs around the Ground Level Box in my yard?

All Ground Level Boxes are located on public property not private property. They are able to withstand vehicle impact; however, do not plant trees and shrubs near the Ground Level Box, as we will need to access the box for maintenance.

What happens to my old drop?

Once the service is provided and testing of the fibre cable is complete, Bell MTS will cut and remove the previous copper drop at ground level.