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Bell MTS

Call or Click Before You Dig

Bell MTS joins the Manitoba Common Ground Alliance (MCGA) Click Before You Dig Manitoba program!

In an effort to improve the safety and overall process of Damage Prevention to underground infrastructure in Manitoba, Bell MTS has joined the MCGA's Click Before You Dig Manitoba service. Commercial and residential excavators can reduce the risk of personal injury and property damage by using the Click Before You Dig Manitoba service, reaching more operators of buried utilities with only a single web based request for locates.*

You can inform Bell MTS and other users of the MCGA Click Before You Dig Manitoba of your Notice of Intent to Excavate, by:

Online Submission

Online submissions are preferred, allow for your attached drawings and documentation, and are available for locate requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


A phone call is mandatory for Emergency locates, but for best representation of your excavation online submission is preferred.

  • 1-800-940-3447

Requests for buried cable locates should be made at least 5 working days prior to excavation.

Bell MTS will contact you to notify you when you are cleared to excavate.

If required Bell MTS will attend the site to mark the location of Bell MTS buried facilities. This marking will remain valid for 30 days. Delays in excavation beyond this time will require a new locate request.