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Bell MTS

Why is my Internet not working?

Internet connectivity issues can be caused by, but are not limited to:

  • Windows updates
  • Modem firmware updates
  • Recent software upgrades
  • Recent hardware upgrades
  • Viruses
  • Malware/Spyware
  • Faulty/loose Ethernet connections
  • Changes to Wi-Fi settings

Powercycling is a technical term for resetting or rebooting. Sometimes a connection to the Internet can be lost when your computer stops communicating with your Bell MTS Broadband modem or Fibe TV RG. When this happens, powercycle the modem or RG and shut down your computer.

  1. Shut down your computer completely (do not perform a restart).
  2. Unplug the power cable from your modem or RG for a minimum of 30 seconds.
  3. Plug the power cable back into your modem or RG and wait for the lights to sync up and become solid.
  4. Turn your computer back on.
  5. Test your Internet connection.
Verify connections

Most new computers and laptops will show a green or amber light next to the Ethernet port when the cable is securely plugged in. If no light is present, unplug the Ethernet cable from your computer or laptop and plug it in again.

If after plugging the Ethernet cable back into your computer or laptop, there is still no light illuminated, you may have a computer hardware issue.


If you are connecting wirelessly ensure that the wireless mode is enabled on your computer and/or laptop.

Change browsers

Sometimes an Internet connection problem can be the result of a browser issue. Some browsers, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, have built in add-ons that can cause them to block your Internet connection. You may need to delete any add-ons the browser has installed or try using another Internet browser to determine if the browser is actually at fault. Remember, Bell MTS does not supply you with a browser, and although we will support the most popular browsers available, our support may be limited.

Update your computer or laptop

If you are using a Windows operating system on your computer or laptop, ensure that all updates are performed. In the event that you have inadvertently downloaded some malicious software, there may be a critical update available from Microsoft that will address the issue. Keeping your Windows operating system up to date will ensure that you have the most recent updates available.

Run a virus scan

As with Windows updates, your anti-virus software must be kept up to date. Most anti-virus programs will have a manual update feature that you can utilize to keep the software as up to date as possible. Once you have ensured that your anti-virus program is up to date, perform a complete scan of your computer to ensure there is nothing on your computer that may be inhibiting your Internet connection.


If you do not have an anti-virus program, you may download and install a free, Bell MTS authorized full edition of Zone Alarm Internet Security Solution.

Check telephone connection

For Broadband DSL customers, your Bell MTS Broadband modem will be connected via a telephone cable to a wall jack in your home. Ensure the cable does not exceed 10 feet. A longer cable may degrade the signal. Ensure you are using an Internet splitter on your Internet telephone cable to ensure there is no interference with your telephone service.

Check your IP

When a valid Internet connection is made, your computer or laptop will obtain an IP address of 192.168.X.X. This means that your computer or laptop is connected to the network and that the connection issue is local to your computer. Any computer that receives an IP address of 169.x.x.x. is not connected to the network and has been assigned a “loopback” address by Windows. Further troubleshooting will be needed.

To check your IP Address:

  1. For Windows users, click on the Start button, then choose Run.
  2. Type in CMD.
  3. When the command prompt window opens, type in ipconfig /all.
  4. Locate the line that displays your IPV4 IP Address and copy it down.
  5. Verify that it is valid (i.e. 192.168.X.X format).
Contact Us

If you are still unable to connect to the Internet, please Contact Us.

Before contacting Bell MTS Customer support, be prepared to answer these questions:

  1. Is your computer wired or wireless?
  2. Are other computers in the household able to connect to the Internet?
  3. If the computer is wired, is it wired directly to the Bell MTS Broadband modem or through a 3rd party router or gateway?
  4. When did the computer lose Internet connectivity?
  5. Have you restarted your computer?
  6. Have you powercycled your modem and/or router/gateway?
  7. If you are connected wirelessly, are you able to connect to the Internet via a wired connection?
  8. Have you recently performed any upgrades to your computer, either software or hardware?
  9. If connected wirelessly, have you made recent changes to your wireless settings or your wireless setup?
  10. Does email work?
  11. Have you tried a different Internet browser?